Friday, 22 June 2012

How to prepare Paneer

Paneer is a type of cheese and can be done with easy and simple method. It can be prepared in home as we can make several lovely and delicious dishes with paneer.


                                                    My Method of making Paneer


Milk - 1 litre
Lemon juice - 1/4 cup or 5 tbsp


1. In a thick bottomed Vessel pour milk and bring them to boil under medium flame make sure not to boil milk.

2. Now Add Lemon jiuce to milk.Milk starts crackling and forms into lumps.

3. Once the milk fast seperates from the whey drain the whey /fat using muslin cloth under a vessel.

4. Wrap the curds/Fat in muslin cloth ,rinse under cold water and squeeze well so that lemon flavor eliminates.

5. Shape the Muslin Cloth in desired shape and wrap it up such that air should not enter into it and place a huge pan over it. This makes left over water drains out from the fat/whey.

6. Do not disturb for about 4- 5 hrs/overnight.

7. Paneer is ready and we can cut into desired shape .